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Birthday Parties at NLG

  • Fun for all ages!

  • 1 hour in the gym with a NLG Staff member and a ½ hour in the balcony for food, cake or presents (not provided by NLG).

  • Select Saturdays/ Weekends Only – Book early! 

  • A $25 deposit is required to hold party slot. Make checks payable to NLG (cash or checks only, no credit cards). Balance is due on the day of the party based on how many kids show up.

  • The NLG Staff member will plan activities geared to the age of the birthday child.

  • Children should wear soft clothing with no belts, buckles or zippers and bare feet. Long hair needs to be tied up. No jewelry.​

  • Every child on the floor at the party must fill out our Birthday Party Release Form, even if currently enrolled in a class. (find form below)


Call or email for Party Availability! 


Colorful Balloons

Party Prices

  • Up to 6 kids - $175

  • 7-12 kids $200

  • 13-18 kids - $225

  • over 18 kids +$10/child

             **Max 25 kids

Birthday Party Release

You agree that your child named below will be engaging in physical exercise involving gymnastics, a coordination event, and fitness training, which could cause injury to them. You agree that your child is voluntarily participating in these activities and is assuming all risks of injury that might result. You hereby agree to waive any claims or rights that you might otherwise have to sue us, Northern Lights Gymnastics, LLC., our employees, owners, officers, or agents for injuries that might occur as a result of these activities. We will make no evaluation or recommendation whether your child is physically fit for any exercise activity. If your child has any physical condition that may impair the ability to engage in these activities, it is your responsibility to obtain a physician’s statement describing any limitation to participate in this program. It is always advisable to consult your physician prior to undertaking any physical exercise program.

Are you suffering from a medical condition, allergy, or injury?

Thanks for submitting!

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